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  • Tatum Jayd Hobbs

Let’s Talk Collagen!

Hi there lovelies, I hope you are all doing well and keeping safe! So, today I’m going to be talking about collagen, I love collagen powder and I’ve been using it for a while, I’ve had an amazing experience with it but those details I’ll leave for later on in this post!

First up we going to be talking about how I personally take my collagen, I know everyone has their own way of taking it but these are my few favourite ways of taking the powder.


What is collagen?

Collagen is a protein that your body naturally produces but it has recently become a protein that has been created & has been made into creamers, powders, capsules and so much more. I love using collagen not only for the health benefits of it, which I’ll tell you all about soon but also because it helps support my hair and nail growth as well as gives my skin this glowing complexion …

One thing I love about collagen and collagen powders are how easy they are to use you can add them to literally anything and everything from coffee, teas and smoothies lol the way through to desserts like little chocolate bites or homemade cookies, there is just such a variety of things you can do with collagen and if you would like me to give you a few receipts just let me know and I’ll be more than happy to share some of them with you so just let me know. Honestly the great thing about collagen powders are that you can add them to anything and everything.

Collagen is a protein that brings so many positives to our bodies and the benefits that come from using collagen are insane and I’ll tell you about those soon but for now let’s get into what the different types of collagens that are available in today!

What are the different types of collagen?

Okay, so there are so many different types of collagen but there are 4 main or most common types of collagen and those are I, II, III & IV.

But today we are going to discuss collagen types I, II & III. Let’s get into the different types of collagen starting off with collagen type…

Type I : Collagen helps with strengthening hair, nails and bones, it also helps your skin complexion & your skin health.

Type II : Collagen promotes joints & cartilage health.

Type III : Collagen helps with strengthening hair, nails and bones, it also helps your skin complexion & your skin health.

So, as you can see Collagen Types I & III are the most common collagen types, they help promote hair, skin, nail & bone health. Collagen also increases skin elasticity and helps minimise wrinkles, giving you the golden glow.

Next up let’s talk about some of the easy ways to use or take your collagen, these are some of my favourites and go-to’s!

How to take collagen powder?

- Coffee

- Smoothies

- Iced Coffee

*I use almond milk in all of these*

Different uses for collagen!

- Strengthen Hair

- Strengthen Nails

- Promote Hair Growth

- Minimise Skin Elasticity

- Strengthen Bones

- Strengthen Cartilage

- Promotes Joint Health

My personal results using collagen!

Wow oh wow, we’re do I begin? Okay so I started using collagen around a year and a bit ago and I’m inlove with results I’ve seen & experienced from using collagen! Let’s start off with my skin results that I’ve seen since using collagen, I’ve always had good skin with a few problematic areas which I’ve learnt to work with over the years but since your collagen the natural glow and look of my skin has completely changed and it took me by surprise if I’m being honest because the change was so good! Then we have my results with nails and hair so, by now I’m sure you know I have curly hair and the one thing with curly hair is that it truly takes forever to grow but since using collagen my hair has grown so much quicker than I could’ve ever imagined, and my nails grow so much quicker and they are so much stronger than they ever been! But now let’s get into the reasons why I originally started using collagen and that was to strengthen my bones and cartilage… if you know me I’m I was a sport fanatic, I have probably sprained, pulled, fractured and dislocated most of the bones in my body, so I struggle with a lot of body aches from all my previous injuries and when I heard the collagen helps strengthen bones & cartilage I knew I had to try it out and see if it would help and it really did, look I still have my aches in the cold but mainly honestly I feel so much better to the point where I can’t even explain it.

So, after using collagen I’m really grateful for the fact that I came across it and below are the two brands I’ve tried out and have absolutely loved and I hope you’ll love them too!

Brands of collagen I would recommend? (Brands I’ve used and loved)

I’ll link the collagens powders to their website & you can go and have a look and find out more about the products!


I really hope that you enjoyed this post and like I said before if you’d like me to share some recipes with you on how you can use the collagen powders, let me know because I’d be more than happy to share them with you!

I hope you are all doing well & same goes to your families!

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy My Lovelies!

Much Love,

Tatum H


Disclaimer: I know I’m not a medical professional and I’m not telling you what to do, I’m just talking about my experiences and sharing things I’ve learnt through a lot of online research.

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