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  • Tatum Jayd Hobbs

Let’s Talk About Scents Baby x Valentino!

Hi there lovelies, I hope you are doing well and keeping safe! So I wanted to say thank you so much for all the love and support you’ve shown me recently, so today we are talking about an amazing perfume that I was gifted by Valentino and let me say wow oh wow it is everything and more, but besides for that I thought it would be fun to start a little perfume collection of our own on this blog, meaning every now and then when I add a new perfume to my collection I’ll be sharing it right here with you, telling you all my thoughts and my opinions and if you ever have any perfumes to suggest just let me know because I mean a girl can never have to many (in my opinion).



But today we are going to be talking about the Donna Born In Roma by Valentino! So, get on with it why don’t we! So for the past few weeks I’ve been using this perfume and I know that this is a blog post and you can’t smell the perfume or anything like that but I sure will try to make you feel as if you sitting right here with me falling in love with this perfume the way I have. You know when you wake up in the morning and spring has just began and you are just being hit with all the beautiful floral, sweet and calming scents after a hard winter, well that is this perfume! Every time you spray the tiniest amount you get hit with this amazing floral scent mixed up with a whole bunch of vanilla that will take you to that spring morning every single time! Now I have not used a Valentino perfume before neither have I ever smelt one but if you have then you know exactly what I mean when I say the quality of this perfume is insane, you can spray 3 squirts all over and after a long day of doing whatever you do you jump in the bath and once you out you will still smell this perfume, now to me that is amazing I’ve never had a perfume with this quality before and that smells this amazing, so if you can get your hands on this perfume then I suggest you really do because it will blow your mind away when you use it and not just the first time but every single time!


I honestly just want to say thank you so much to Valentino for gifting me this perfume, I’m so I love with it and it’s one that will stay in my collection for years and years to come! I also want to say just because I was gifted this doesn’t mean that my opinion isn’t honest or anything like that, I didn’t even have to write this post but I did because I wanted to introduce the Donna Born In Roma made by the amazing Valentino to you!

I’ll have a link down below for you to buy this perfume both in store and online below, happy shopping angels!


So, I truly do hope that you enjoy this post and if you manage to get your hands on this perfume then let me know what you think of it and if you love it just as much as I do!

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy My Lovelies,

Lots of Love,

Tatum H

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