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  • Tatum Jayd Hobbs

Let’s Catch Up!

Hey lovelies,

I hope you are all doing well and keeping safe during these times! Today I thought we would do a little catch up session because I’ve been really quiet and haven’t put out to many blog posts but that’s about to change! I’m making sure that I can put out atleast 2 posts per week and create a lot more content for you guys on my Instagram, but that’s beside the point!

I just thought that it would be a good idea to catch up with you all about the day to day of my life...

So, today my boyfriend and I are celebrating our 3 year anniversary and as much as I say celebrating I just mean lying in bed watching series because that is exactly what today’s weather is calling for up here in Cape Town! I know I don’t talk about my relationship a lot on social media but if that is something you guys are interested in maybe we can do Q&A questions on my Instagram story or something but you let me know. I really want to get more involved with Instagram and using the platform more to connect with everyone so message me and let’s have conversations about anything and everything! Okay, so next up we have some let’s get into talking about studies, after taking off a 2 year gap which was supposed to be 1 gap year but COVID.. I just started studying again and it feels really good! I’ve always enjoyed studying but what makes it a lit better is the fact that I’m studying something I’m interested in rather than a whole bunch of subjects under the sun! So, for now I am in my first year of studying Marketing and I’m really excited to see where this journey leads me! I’m not excited about all the assignments but it’s a learning curve and one that I will adjust to but being back studying has really been fun, so that is the main reason I’ve been so MIA I’ve just been getting the hang of studying again.

What‘s next, okay so let’s talk about work. Creating content is the best work I can think of and I have so many new ideas and products and brands that I want to try out so I can create amazing content for all of you and let you know my honest opinion on these brands & products. As of right now I’m not working on any campaigns but I was gifted an amazing product that I have already mentioned on my Instagram but there’s so much more to come from this brand. If you don’t know what I’m talking about I was kindly gifted the Born In Roma Donna fragrance from Valentino and I’m absolutely in love, words don’t even describe but that’s alo that I’m sharing here, keep your eyes peeled for more that I have planned!

Now, let’s move onto the more fun things like what I’m watching at the moment. I know this is a random thing to bring up but if you know me I’m always watching or rewatching some show and this time I’m watching NCIS: LA I started at season 1 and I’m on season 7 so we’ve still got a way to go but that’s fine by me but what’s really exciting well for me at least is that they are starting a new brand of NCIS which is taking place in Hawaii and now if you know me the fact that they are starting a new branch of NCIS would be more than enough but to start it in Hawaii was probably the best news they could have ever come out with. Okay, so like I said I’m busy binging NCIS: LA but my boyfriend is busy binging The Last Kingdom, so if any of you are into shows like Game of Thrones or Vikings , shows along the lines or set in the same times as these I’ve just mention just halla at me because I’m 100% sure that my boyfriend has discovered all of them and has definitely watched every single one of them!

I don’t know what else there is that I can catch you up in but if you have any questions about anything just let me know, if you have any product suggestions or brand suggestions that you would like for me to try out just let me know because discovering new W brands or coming across them is always a lot of fun!

But, for now I think that’s that and I just want to say that I hope that all your friends and family members are safe and healthy during these times! If things aren’t going well I send you all my love and all my well wishes go out to you!

Stay Safe & Stay Healthy, My Lovelies!

Much Love,

Tatum H

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